My full story

Growing up in South Africa - with its dusty streets, raw energy and abundant wildlife - deeply inspired my artistic style. My roots are African and that shows in my art.

My skills

I am a self-taught artist with a love of art that started in school. I had incredible art teachers who transferred their passion to me. In university (where I studied psychology and communications) my love of art continued with a wall mural I created for the campus restaurant, production of a clubhouse magazine, backdrops for amateur theatre shows and pieces for faculty and fellow students.

After university, I settled into an exciting career in corporate communications and change management. Communicating with thousands of employees in large organisations helped me hone many valuable skills, such as how to present concepts clearly. Often that was visually. This is a skill I still use in my art business today.

Making the switch

Like many others, the pandemic was a game changer and a catalyst for me to reconsider my priorities. I am a mum of three wonderful children, with a loving and supportive partner - however, juggling life and a corporate career left me feeling burned out and unfulfilled. The pull to balance my life and pursue my art was simply too strong to ignore.

My inspiration

Inspiration is everywhere. I like to find inspiration in the everyday, and beauty that can be found in the small everyday moments of life. I just need to see a tree, a person or the colours of the sky to spark an idea. I believe all creative people such as artists are naturally observant and empathic. We take in our environment deeply. We feel things intensely. And art is the perfect way to express what we see and feel. It's both therapeutic and freeing. Art has a unique transformative power to uplift the spirit and nourish the soul.

Find your own joy!

I invite you to explore this space and to find your perfect piece! I hope my work ignites curiosity and calm within you; and reminds you of the infinite possibilities within you.

Thanks for stopping by.