Is art an elixir for a happy mind?

Is art an elixir for a happy mind?

Do you find yourself doodling during meetings or calls and feeling proud of your mini creations afterward?

That's the power of art in action!

It's not just me who thinks so either. There's a growing body of evidence that highlights the therapeutic and beneficial effects of art.

It's not just us as artists who can harness this magical panacea! Anyone can experience its multiple benefits - whether you're creating it or appreciating someone else's creations.

Studies show that visiting art museums and galleries reduce stress and boost happiness too. Who knew art museums were actually good for you?

So, what makes art so effective for well-being?

Firstly, I think the power of art is universal to all of us. You don't need to be an expert or have an in-depth understanding of art or art history to take something away from it. It's about how it makes you feel. Art is for everyone.

Similarly, anyone can learn to be an artist. There are of course people who have honed their craft over many years, or others with breathtaking natural talent, but it remains a skill that can be developed by anyone.

Secondly, the process of making or appreciating art is immersive. When you're in front of art you're transported to another world. It encourages reflection and allows you to see yourself and your experiences from new perspectives, and process your emotions in new ways.

Finally, it's no surprise that when you create art, you release mood enhancing endorphins. My own art practice has been instrumental in reducing my own stress and anxiety levels. I find making art very meditative. It's my happy place.

Curious about how art can benefit you? 

Why not pick up a brush or pencil today and see for yourself. Or visit an art gallery and enjoy getting lost in the beauty of it!


P.S. Here are some articles you might like to read on the topic.

How Art Can Improve Your Mental Health - The New York Times (

3 Scientific Reasons Why Visiting An Art Museum Can Boost Your Happiness (

4 Ways Art Makes You Healthier - Alexis Donkin 

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