Brushing stress aside with self-care

Brushing stress aside with self-care

Here's the thing - self-care is important but it's hard to slow down when the world is telling you to speed up.

Instead of taking it slow, it's much easier to get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities and neglect your own well-being in the process.

We think of self-care as selfish. As something we should do if we have free time. That's exactly what makes self-care a necessity, not a luxury.

Taking a week of self-care

This past week I prioritised self-care and focused on activities that brought me joy and creative inspiration. 

I went for that walk at lunchtime every day. I ate nourishing food. I soaked in a candle-lit bath most nights. I went to bed early. I journalled. I sketched. I made time to learn some new skills.

I started & finished a new painting in complete flow without putting pressure on myself to meet a concrete deadline.

And at the end of the week, what did I take away?

That self-care reconnects me with the essence of who I am & what brings me joy.

That I am much more authentic and creative when I carve out space for myself. 

That I am definitely going to make the time to carve out that space more often. 

My challenge to you:

How can you focus on your own self-care? Take it from me - it's worth it!


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